Tag Archive: white ipa

White IPA Brew Day

One of the beers that I’ve purchases as a 6-pack that didn’t stay in my fridge very long was MadTree’s Luna Lux (link includes recipe). For whatever reason, it became my go-to beer for all of six evenings, and that was after having (and thoroughly enjoying) a pint at a local pizza place.

So what does a homebrewer do when a place like MadTree gives you (and everyone!) the recipe? I think most homebrewers would spin it a little. Which I did…

Recipe Details

Batch Size Boil Time IBU SRM Est. OG Est. FG ABV
5.5 gal 60 min 70.6 IBUs 6.3 SRM 1.053 1.013 5.3 %
Actuals 1.046 1.01 4.7 %

Style Details

Name Cat. OG Range FG Range IBU SRM Carb ABV
white ipa 21 B 1.056 - 1.065 1.01 - 1.016 40 - 70 5 - 8 2.4 - 3 5.5 - 7 %


Name Amount %
White Wheat Malt 1.5 lbs 13.64
Caramel Malt - 20L (Briess) 8 oz 4.55
Pale Ale Malt 2-Row (Briess) 9 lbs 81.82


Name Amount Time Use Form Alpha %
Warrior 0.12 oz 60 min Boil Pellet 15
Jarrylo 1 oz 20 min Boil Pellet 16
Galaxy 1 oz 20 min Aroma Pellet 14
Citra 1 oz 20 min Aroma Pellet 12
Citra 1 oz 7 days Dry Hop Pellet 12
Galaxy 1 oz 7 days Dry Hop Pellet 14
Jarrylo 1 oz 7 days Dry Hop Pellet 16


Name Amount Time Use Type
Lemon Peel 1.20 oz 0 min Boil Spice
Coriander Seed 0.50 oz 0 min Boil Spice


Name Lab Attenuation Temperature
Belgian Witbier (3944) Wyeast Labs 74% 62°F - 75°F


Step Temperature Time
Mash In 152°F 60 min

Brew day was normal with only a few complaints of things I really need to fix – specifically I need to add releases that aren’t hose-barb connectors. And I still hate my plate chiller. This was the first brew day with my new pump, which worked splendidly, although there’s a few details I need to deal with (specifically, I need to have an outlet that I don’t block with kettles, I need to redo one of the fittings, and I need to mount this to a piece of wood or something as a base).

New Pump!

If it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid!

The grain milling needs some fixes, but they’re small. For starters, I need a thicker piece of wood to attach the drill to, and it needs to hold in place with the bucket. And I need to make sure the drill is spinning in the correct direction! Ultimately, I want to move milling outside because of the dust and the fact that I lost a few kernels to the floor.

First Running Gravity -1.064

This fermented for three weeks at 64F, which is the lowest end of the recommendations from Wyeast.


I closed transfered from the fermenter to the keg.I’ve tried to do this once before, but this time worked better and with a few small modifications, this will work well.

Closed transfer from the the carboy on the bar to the keg in the freezer

The destination keg is in the keezer, the line coming out and into the pitcher is from the gas in post on the keg.

That’s what it looks like in the keezer… And yes, I have a lighted computer case fan circulating air in there.


2018-02-25: Brewed
2018-03-04: 1.016 @ 67F
2018-03-07: 1.010 @ 67F
2018-03-13: 1.008 @ 67F
2018-03-16: 1.008 @ 67F
2018-03-18: Kegged

Tasting Notes

Appearance:hazy pale yellow with a thin lasting white head. Plenty of lacing on the glass.

Aroma: fruity hops with lemon undertone. No esters or phenols.

Flavor: light crackery malt with some orange and lemon flavor. Some spice in the background. Lasting light bitterness, but not overwhelming. No yeast character.

Mouthfeel: light-bodied. Dry and only slightly prickly from the carbonation.

Overall: I’m really enjoying this beer. The flavors really came together. I would have liked a lot more yeast character and a little more hop flavor and aroma, though. I think the next version may have a little bit more dry hopping and will be fermented warmer.

Awards: Won silver in the Hammerdown Brewcup 2018!

It’s dropped a little bit clearer since this picture was taken.
